Musical Program Ad Online Reservation / Payment
Thank you for your interest in an in the Maine South High School spring musical program. The 2022 musical Chicago will be performed April 22-24 and April 29 & 30. To reserve an ad (inside black & white ads, full page or smaller), please complete the form below. You can pay online below (small fee added for cost of online PayPal payment). If you prefer, checks made payable to MSHS Music Booster Organization (please note ad size on memo line) may be mailed to MS Music Boosters, P.O. Box 250, Park Ridge, IL 60068.
Ads are due by Wednesday, February 16th. If you have any questions about advertising, please email us.
Credit Card PaymentIf you have already submitted a request for an ad and would like to pay via credit card, please use the link here. Enter the amount associated with your ad in the blank box and continue through payment options. Ad payment option is categorized as "well wisher", but will be put in book as a business ad. Thank you!